Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love Compatibility - Am I Compatible With My Partner?

One of the main reasons why a lot of relationships fail is incompatibility. A lot of men and women rush into relationships without even making the effort to examine if they are compatible with their partners or not. Compatibility does not necessarily require for you and your partner to be exactly alike, but it's more of being able to complement each other well. Read on and learn about the signs and factors that can determine if you are compatible with your partner or not.1. Effortless communication. Communication is a very important factor to a healthy relationship. Compatible partners will find it very easy to talk to each other, no matter what the subject. Compatible couples also have that urge to share their thoughts to their partner simply because they feel at ease and well-accepted.
2. Comfortable silence. Some experts say that one way of testing compatibility between partners is their ability to feel comfortable and be in synch with each other even without talking.
3. You feel at ease with your partner's presence. There are some couples who may start to feel irritated when their partner is around. Although this sign may not come at the early stage of the relationship, this is a huge symptom of incompatibility between long-time partners.
4. You feel at ease with your partner's family and friends. Your family and friends are as much a part of you as anything else. So if your partner does not blend in well with the people who are closest to, then this is a sign of rough waters ahead.
5. Compatible lifestyle. It is very important that you are happy with your partner's lifestyle as well. However, if you love the outdoors and she barely goes out of the house, this may be a possible source of disagreement.
6. Finances. This is an equally important part of a relationship. Money issues are one of the most common causes of problems between couples. Make sure that your financial statuses match as this can lead to insecurities and sources of conflict.
7. Educational attainment. The level of educational attainment may also be a source of incompatibility between partners. This is mostly because those who have the same level of education can relate much better to each other than those who don't.
8. Level of affection. There are some people who are used to showing affection in public while there are others who are totally not comfortable with the idea. This incompatibility can be a possible source of conflict as well.
9. Religious beliefs. Contrasting religious beliefs can be a huge problem in relationships, especially for partners who have a strong religious background and for those who do not want to compromise or convert.
10. Similar life goals. People with contrasting life goals simply cannot live harmoniously together. Your partner may be dreaming to be married before the year ends while you may have no plans of getting tied at all.
So always watch out for these signs of incompatibilities. If they are present in your relationship, try as best as you can to deal with them together, the soonest time possible.
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